OrlenOil /07
Maintaining thehighestqualityof theCompany'sproductsandser-
vices is themost important element of ORLENOIL'smission state-
ment. TheCompany'sobjective is to fullymeet customerneedsby
producinganddistributingproductsand serviceswhichmeet cus-
tomer requirements in terms of quality, environmental protection,
andoccupational healthand safety. To that end, theCompanyhas
implementedan integratedQuality, Environmental Protectionand
OHSManagement System, as evidenced by the following certifi-
»» compliance with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and PN-N-
18001:2004, No. PL002751/P, awardedbyBureauVeritasCerti-
»» compliance with the requirements of AQAP 2110:2009, No.
21/A/2011, and ISO 9001:2008 o nr 21/S/2011, awarded by
ZakładSystemów Jakości i Zarządzania (QualityandManage-
mentSystems Institution) for:
manufacture and sale of chemicals, lubricants and oil
commercial operations regarding chemical, refineryand
petrochemical products on the domestic and interna-
The high quality of ORLENOIL's products is further evidenced by
approvals from recognisedcarmanufacturers (e.g.:Mercedes-Benz,
MAN, Renault, BMW, Volkswagen, Volvo) and industrialmachinery
manufacturers (Flender, Denison Hydraulics, Siemens, Cincinnati
Machine).The implemented integratedmanagementsystemhelped
to streamlineprocesses and continuously improve them. This also
contributed to improvedorganisation in termsofmanagement, as
well as in termsof legal requirements,whichenables theCompany
Forthefirsttime in itshistory,ORLENOILwasawardedtheprestig-
ious promotional emblemPOLANDNOW (TERAZPOLSKA) for its
POLANDNOW is currently thebest-recognisedandmost prestig-
iouspromotionalmark inPoland, indicatingsupremeproductand
servicequality. Importantly, theawardingpanel recognisedPLATI-
NUMoils as aPolish alternative for oilsmanufacturedbywestern
ORLENOIL was among the first players in the Polish oil indus-
try to launchacomprehensiveofferofmaintenance services for
industrial companiesusing lubricants inproductionprocesses.
A professional oil service - POWER SERVICE - provides a broad
range of services directly at user sites. Outsourcing lubricants
management toprofessionals is adecisionwhichoffers numer-
ous benefits toour customers, such as reduced lubricantmain-
tenance costs or the elimination of logistics and warehousing
problems, tonamebut a few.
The keybenefit is, however, the improved reliabilityofmachin-
eryandequipment,whichdirectly translates intoa reduction in
the cost of unscheduled downtimes and failures. POWER SER-
VICE alsoprovides benefits as a result of theoptimisationof lu-
bricant consumption.
POWERSERVICE'soffer is categorised into threeprimaryareas::
»» industrial oil systems,
»» applicationofprocessoilsandsupportofcoolingand lubri-
cating systems formetal processing,
»» oilmonitoring.