was formed in 1998 as a joint undertaking of Poland's largest
lubricantmanufacturers: Petrochemia Płock, RafineriaTrzebinia,
Rafineria Czechowice and Rafineria Jedlicze. ORLEN OIL is cur-
rently amember of the Polski KoncernNaftowy (PolishOil Con-
cern)ORLENSACapitalGroup, oneof the largestoil industrycor-
porations inCentral andEasternEurope.
ORLEN OIL is a leading manufacturer and distributor of lubri-
cants for theautomotive sector, agricultureand industry.ORLEN
OIL's broad product offeringmeets the needs of all users, both
Research anddevelopment spending and effective commercial
andmarketingactionshavecontributed to the successof PLATI-
NUM -abrandofhigh-qualityengineoils.ORLENOIL isalsoaPol-
ishmarket leader for industrial lubricants. TheCompany focuses
oncomprehensive lubricant support andconsultancy services.
The company stays aheadof technological trends so that it can
swiftlyadapt itsproducts toevermore stringentquality require-
Theproductsonoffer fromORLENOILcomplywithstrict interna-
tional standards. All production processes are governed by the
QualityManagementSystem, inaccordancewith ISO9001:2000.
ORLENOIL alsoholds a certificate for its compliancewithAQAP
ORLENOILoperatesproduction facilities inPłock, Trzebiniaand
Jedlicze. Eachof these specialises in themanufacturingof vari-
ousproductsorsemi-productsusedatsubsequentstagesof the
Theproduction site inPłockmanufacturesbaseoils - theprima-
ry ingredientused in theproductionof lubricatingoils.
This particular component, its properties and process param-
eters, largelydetermine thequalityof thefinal product. ORLEN
OIL controls all production stages and, using its own primary
rawmaterial for oil production, enhances the competitiveness
of the Company's products on the demanding EuropeanCom-
The presence of engine and specialty oils in cars, machines, or
even on shop shelves is taken for granted. Their production,
however, requires advanced technologies, modern equipment
and top-class components. Theproduction site inTrzebiniahas
it all as themanufacturer of state-of-the-art PLATINUMoils. The
high parameters of the Trzebinia oils are ensured by the site's
fully computerisedquality control system and superior produc-
tion line.
Theproduction site in Jedliczeprimarilymanufacturesgearoils,
hydraulicandmachineryoils, aswell asgreases for theautomo-
tive sector and industry. A broad range of specialty products
for various industrial sectors are alsoproduced in Jedlicze. The
modernproduction line and experienced staff ensure supreme
»» high-qualityautomotiveoils - PLATINUM,whichmeet
stringent EuropeanandAmericanquality standards,
»» abroad rangeof automotiveoilsORLENOIL,
»» oils for agriculture, forestryandgardening -AGRO,
»» industrial oils (hydraulic, compressor, gear, hardening),
»» processoils (emulsifiers, anti-adhesives, processingoil),
»» plasticgreases,
»» servicefluids,
»» PLATINUM IMPACTcarmaintenancechemicals,
»» solvents.